
Notice of Disclaimer: Gray Digital Whitepaper

This “whitepaper” or document is intended to clearly communicate and articulate the Gray Digital platform to any and all prospective members, purchasers, and investors. The information located in this document is not comprehensive or all encompassing and should not be considered a contractual agreement between the Gray Digital platform and prospective individuals. This document's purpose is to present relevant information to prospective individuals as it relates to the Gray Digital Products & Services. Gray Digital (Products & Services*) include but are not limited to its Platform, Website, Discord, Twitter, YouTube, Application, Token, Fund, Trading Services, and other services.

Prospective participants of Gray Digital accept all risks involved and are responsible for ensuring that they maintain compliance with all relevant legislation in their own jurisdictions. The distribution of this document and potential participation in Gray Digital Products & Services may be restricted in certain jurisdictions. Prospective members and participants are required to ensure that they are informed of any relevant rules, laws, and legislation that may impact them, and comply with such regulations. It is the sole responsibility of the prospective members and participants to understand their local regulations as they may apply to participating with Gray Digital Products & Services and ensure that participation is permitted under applicable regulations in their own country of residence or domicile.

Gray Digital does not provide any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and materials contained in this document. Gray Digital may update or modify these Terms of Service from time to time. Be sure to review the whitepaper when you access Gray Digital Products & Services. In the event Gray Digital makes material changes to this document, the Gray Digital team will post the revised copy and the effective date within the whitepaper document. Changes to the whitepaper will be announced in the Gray Digital Discord, Twitter and website.

Certain statements in this document may be considered forward looking or speculative. These statements and information are offered as illustrative and informative bearing unknown uncertainties and risks which may lead to alternative outcomes. This document is not a solicitation for investment, an offering, or financial advice of any kind. This document shall in no way provide investment, financial, legal, accounting, tax, or any other advice outside of its stated intention. Prospective members that do not agree to accept this disclaimer should not continue to pursue Gray Digital or its Products & Services.

For additional disclosures and legal documentation:


Last updated