The Gray Digital Team

An Introduction to the Gray Digital Team

The Gray Digital organization is a multidivisional structured platform that focuses its leadership team based on the products and responsibilities they operate. This structure promotes an environment where team members can focus on their specialties and responsibilities while allowing for rapid and creative problem solving and formulating innovative ideas. This structure allows each division to focus on their particular goals and functions necessary to successfully operate the Gray Digital platform. Support:


Core Team

Gray - Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


Private Investing - with a focus on disruptive technologies, innovation, equities, and global economic advancements. Identify trends, themes, and directions to enhance productivity and create wealth Manage an in-house research team comprised of twelve researchers, and associates.

Manage $1,250MM in private capital.

Venture Partner Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) | 2018 - 2020

Manage deal flow, investment strategies, and venture direction. Generated financial statements, various reports detailing quarterly changes, strategy implementation, investment reviews, and quantitative and qualitative portfolio studies. Tracked approved and unapproved investments within the venture arm, and regularly engaging and upholding relationships with clients, and investment teams. Introduced higher standards for institutional deal flow, and increased efficiency by streamlining operations. Set priorities and problem-solved workflow issues to maintain rapport with our twelve different teams.

Co-Founder & Engineer TaxBit | 2017 - 2019

Managed recruitment program by creating marketing materials and deploying recruitment tactics and building external relationships. Followed up with notable applicants to organize company events and recruitment drives in new areas of expansion around the US. Developed functional digital design concepts across various platforms to strengthen company brand and identity. Managed entire back end operations of all our client portals - this included the management of 200+ tax consultants and new recruits joining the platform.

Reviewed and evaluated weekly KPI achievements producing EOM results and performances across the platform, escalating issues to engineering when required Interviewed over 340 candidates for hire in 2019. 60 interviewees were on-boarded with over a double increase (56%) in availability and work. Which grew our bookings from repeat clients and new clients up 5%. With a higher Y/Y growth ratio

Created pitch decks and reports for future investors based on our business development and presented with senior leadership. In 2019, sold primary control to a16z.

Official Discord Username: Gray (defigray)

Tammy - Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Shiawtian - Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

James L - Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Taylor Lee - Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)

Taylor Lee serves as the Compliance Officer and is instrumental in ensuring our organization remains aligned with both external regulations and our internal policies. Taylor's responsibilities encompass:

Regulatory Expertise: Taylor consistently remains abreast of local, state, and federal laws and regulations relevant to our operations, ensuring we are always compliant. Taylor has worked in both HR and compliance-based roles for the past twelve years, and is well suited to assist Gray Digital with compliance-related needs and requests.

Policy Direction: Taylor spearheads the development, initiation, and revision of policies and procedures that guide our operations and prevent any infractions.

Employee Training: Under Taylor's leadership, our team regularly undergoes training sessions to remain informed about compliance requirements.

Oversight and Internal Auditing: Taylor diligently reviews our business activities through internal audits and inspections to ensure adherence to all policies. Taylor will be responsible (once setup), to ensure all documentation and requests are fulfilled by our financial auditing service provider.

Communication: Taylor keeps our senior management informed on our compliance landscape, highlighting potential areas of concern and ensuring swift resolution when issues arise.

Enforcement: Should there be any breach in compliance, Taylor is at the forefront, taking corrective measures and liaising with our legal team when necessary.

Continuous Enhancement: Taylor identifies potential areas of compliance vulnerability, devises corrective plans, and provides guidance on future best practices.

Risk Management: Taylor is adept at assessing potential risks and strategizing ways to mitigate them, ensuring our organization's sustained resilience.

With Taylor's unwavering commitment to integrity and a keen eye for detail, our organization remains compliant and ethically sound in all its operations. As Gray Digital grows, and becomes more complex— Taylor’s responsibilities will increase. Official Discord Username: TaylorL (TaylorL#2093)

Legacyz - Director of Strategic Partnerships

Hi Everyone! My name is Legacyz and I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone that’s investing in the crypto space. I got into crypto back in 2014 and have done very well in mining, trading and investing in the crypto sphere. Over the last bull market, nothing has accelerated my portfolio more than Gray Digital. It has allowed me to not only gain an upper hand in what’s going on in the market but also make huge profits. I’ve been following Gray since 2021 and have came to respect and love everything he has to offer in this space. Throughout the last 3 years, I have built my own portfolio and passive income level to the point where I can fully quit my corporate job and give this space my full undivided attention. I’m a person that loves new and innovative ideas whether it be a full on degen play to a full blown corporate driven product, I’m here to analyze dissect and profit from it. My goals are to help each and everyone in this group to achieve financial freedom and financial success in the ever-changing, ever-evolving crypto world. Official Discord Username: Legacyz (legacyz)

Raye - Director of Research

This is Raye! I’ve been actively involved in the traditional financial markets since 2017 as an options writer. I was very intrigued by the derivatives (options) market and obsessed with the complexity and the mathematics behind the option greeks, which actually share a number of similarities to liquidity farming in the world of DeFi. This gives me a small edge in the market when it comes to profitability and risk management.

I started my incredible Crypto & DeFi Journey in 2021. Although my history with Cryptocurrency and DeFi hasn’t been long like most others, I’m deeply obsessed with blockchain technology and the gamified aspect of DeFi. For the past 2 years, I have been an active DeFi investor and have been through dozens, if not hundreds of DeFi projects. I have also worked with a number of projects and even started my own Dune Analytics page (@riskyfish), which is an open platform dedicated to Blockchain Analytics.

From the very beginning of my DeFi journey, It was pretty clear to me that we can't achieve true sustainability without real revenue and a carefully designed tokenomic. 99% of the projects have shared one core principle - they all rely on unsustainable hype and ponzinomics. It’s all fun and exciting, until it isn’t and dies. Dex token, Perp Dex token, Rebase token, Negative Rebase token, Reflection token, Seigniorage token, Node, High-Yield NFT, LP Farm, you name it. And this is exactly why the Gray Digital Ecosystem will be the ultimate go-to destination for sustainable yield, as well as Crypto / DeFi knowledge! Official Discord Username: raye5199

Dreko - Director of Strategy and Consulting

Welcome to The Gray Digital! My name is Dreko and I have been involved in cryptocurrency since January 2021. In 2021, I was a co-founder for the cryptocurrency research group Cryptonairz. During my time there, I managed a research team, conducted in depth project analysis, conducted online interviews with projects and developers. As I learned about crypto projects and the fundamentals of how cryptocurrency operates, I established an emphasis in crypto security. I consulted as advisor and security specialist for several individuals and projects to help develop robust on-chain and off-chain defensive strategies and/or locate and recover lost or stolen crypto through on-chain analytics. In January 2022, I founded a social group which over time developed into a crypto Service Protocol NFT project called Bourbon-n-Blockchain Services. The project has since been dismantled due to the changing/uncertain regulatory landscape. Currently, I operate as a consultant for projects or organizations that are seeking experience in security, management, operations and development services. Official Discord Username: Dreko (cryptodreko)

Grant Matik - Director of Strategy and Consulting

IamGrxxt - Director of Technical Analysis

Development Team

Pollen G

Mounib S

Zagros M

Lucas F

Geava D

Samrin J

Moderation Team

Pumpa Dumpa (pumpadumpa)

RozieB (rozieb)

JohnnyFiasco (.johnnyfiasco)

ErenYeager (_erenyeager)

MADMaxx (mad.maxximus)

Team members who need to contact you will message you publicly prior to any direct messages. The names referenced above are the official Gray Digital Discord Community Team Member Usernames and identification numbers. Please confirm team members identification prior to any interactions.

NEVER share your private keys for any reason.

Last updated